Celebrate Our 40th Anniversary with us and enjoy a local walk

Walks around Monmouth
Monmouth Rambling & Hillwalking Club first started as a walking group in 1981. Since then our members have enjoyed walking countless miles in and around the Monmouth area. We are lucky to have some of the UK’s most beautiful and accessible countryside on our doorstep.
From the town centre you can walk along the Wye Valley, climb the Kymin or visit beautiful woodlands.
To enjoy some of our favourite walks around Monmouth, select from the list to find a map and walk instructions.
All these walks are within the area covered by Ordnance Survey Explorer Map OL14 and it is strongly recommended that you take a copy on your walk. We recommend you wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing. Time allowance is an approximation, please add extra for stops for refreshment.
Always follow the Country Code:
- Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home
- Keep dogs under control
- Consider other people
We hope you enjoy your walk but please understand that all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk and that you participate in these walks at your own risk – Monmouth Rambling and Hillwalking Club accepts no responsibility for any injuries to walkers following these walks.
We have taken every care to ensure the directions given for the walks are accurate but Monmouth Rambling & Hillwalking Club cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. We would be pleased to hear of any inaccuracies or changes to the routes by email at monmouthwalkers@gmail.com.
We are grateful to Ordnance Survey for the use of their maps – Crown copyright Ordnance Survey